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History of search engines

إThe Internet search engines themselves preceded the emergence of the Web in December of 1991, as the search dates back to 1982 using the “WHOIS” method, and the Nobot information search service for multi-network users was implemented for the first time in 1989. It was The first documented search engine that searches content files called FTP files is Archie, first introduced on September 10, 1990. It was created by a student at McGill University in Montreal in 1990 AD, and it was known as “Archie” - derived from the word “archive” with the letter “F” removed - and it automatically loads a list of all the files available on every website and the search was carried out Through this list of file names. The search process evolved into an engine called Wandex, an index compiled by a web wanderer, a web crawler developed by Matthew Gray at MIT in 1993. Aliweb is a search engine. Another very early one that appeared in 1993 and is still in operation today. The first full-text crawler-based search engine was WebCrawler, which came out in 1994. Unlike its predecessors, it let users search for any word on any web page, which has become the norm for all major search engines since. the time. He was also the first to become widely known to the public. In 1994 Lycos (which started at Carnegie Mellon University) also came along and became a big business. A little later, many search engines appeared and competed for popularity. These included Excite, Infoseek, Inktomi, Northern Light, and Alta Vista. In some cases it even competed with popular directories such as Yahoo! (English: Yahoo!). Later, directories incorporated or added to search engine technology for greater functionality. Search engines were also known as some of the brightest stars in the Internet investment frenzy that took place in the late 1990s. Several companies entered the market in a grand spectacle, posting record gains during their inaugural public offering. Some have pulled out their generic search engines and are marketing only corporate versions, like Northern Light which was one of the early 8 or 9 search engines after Lycos came along. Before the advent of the Internet, there were portals for protocols or other uses, such as the Arch search engine for anonymous FTP sites and the Veronica search engine for the Gopher protocol. Other search engines to come include (, Ask Jeeves/Teoma, Gigaplast, Snap, and Walhello. , Kazazz, and WiseNut. Some other search engines that search only specific types of content are Plazoo (for RSS feeds), and GoHook (mainly for PDFs). Also, the most popular engines are: Yooci and ThroughSearch The most popular search engines Google (in English: Google). Yahoo! Bing (in English: Bing). DuckDuckGo Yandex (in English: Yandex). Source: Wikipedia


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